The results from the pre-clinical trials are very promising. The company has to date performed 2 different pre-clinical trials on pigs.

One study where E.Coli was lowered in treated blood and another study where Pseudomonas was lowered in treated blood.
The latest trial also indicate that SangAsept treatment not only lower the number of viable bacteria in the treated blood, but also that is has an immunomodulating effect, and lowers inflammation in blood during sepsis.
The result from these trials indicates that the system has the above- mentioned effects without causing any harm to the blood. Given that pigs and humans are closely related in blood composition, these results are very promising for future testing on humans.
There are several clinical studies that indicate that ozone-based treatment of blood can have a positive immunomodulating effect as well as lowering the length of stay at intensive care (ICU)5.
Preclinical trials and research are conducted in close collaboration with scientists from Uppsala University and Karolinska Institute. These research groups are led by key opinion leaders Professor Miklós Lipcsey and Specialist and Assistant Professor Mattias Günther.