At the annual bord meeting on the 16th of June the shareholders added two new board members, Susanne Olausson and Niclas Jonasson.
Susanne Olausson has more than 20 years of global sales experience within Life Science and Medical Devices. Today she is amongst other the CEO at OdinWell AB (listed company) and board member OdinWell AB and Redsense Medical AB. With her personality, skills, and knowledge she will, amongst other, be providing valuable experience to help the company prepare for the future.
Niclas Jonasson has over 20 years of experience of manufacturing, supply chain, regulatory and R&D in the medical device sector, from companies such as Gambro, Baxter, and Getinge. Today he is VP of the Life Science division at Getinge. With his personality, skills, and knowledge he will amongst other provide valuable input to Sangair for an effective R&D and set-up of future Manufacturing and supply chain.
Sangair have recruited a new engineer, and we are happy to welcome Sara Weman. Sara has a B.Sc in Engineering from KTH, degree program in Medical Technology. She has conducted a thesis work at Sangair and done so with great enthusiasm and interest. With her knowledge, personality, and winning attitude, that she has strengthened competing in the handball court, we welcome her to the Sangair team and look forward working with her.